Mixing it up with a Dark and Stormy
Ingredients: Goslings Rum Goslings Ginger Beer Result: You’ll get the arse taken right out from under you, and look good doing it.
Sunday August 5th, 2012 in Life of the buoy hunter | No Comments »
Ingredients: Goslings Rum Goslings Ginger Beer Result: You’ll get the arse taken right out from under you, and look good doing it.
Lost in the Rock (Stack Bundle) Drift Away (Doobie Brothers) Into the Ocean (Blue October) Rope (Foo Fighters)
When you pour the pepsi in over the rum, and it doesn’t fizz until it gets to the very top of the glass … that’s the perfect drink. When viewed against a roaring firepit, the patina should be a deep red with hints of purple and blue.
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